Bar chart conversion

Bar charts - our conversion works on charts WITH and WITHOUT data labels.

  • Example with data labels -- snipping this chart, will result in Gridlines opening the chart and returning a spreadsheet with the data, and recreating the chart so you can use it.

  • Example without data labels. For example, you could snip the image at this website, and we'll be able to convert it. Open the page and find the chart to try it out.

Things to keep in mind / failure cases:

While we have put a ton of focus into bar charts - here are some things to keep in mind to make sure Gridlines is doing the best it can for you.

  1. Clear images > blurry images. Text that is hard to read could mess up the conversion process.

  2. Larger images > smaller images. The above charts will work, but a smaller version of these same charts might not work.

  3. Crop the bar chart to include all relevant information. Strangely cropping the chart could result in errors.

  4. Extremely complex charts might not work. We are working on an editor to let you get whatever you can, but if a human can't even make sense of it, we might have a hard time doing so as well.

Last updated